Friday, May 15, 2009

At the Movies - by Keith.

I went to Star Trek last night with Fla an' Paulie. I thought it was brilliant ! That Nero fella is a very bad lad who looks a bit like Bernard Jackman but Captain Kirk tackles him in the end.
I had a mini-combo of coke and popcorn. Paulie would not let me have the maxi because he said I would be up all night with the caffeine.
Paulie said he felt that Captain Kirk was not really playing for the team but that there is sometimes room for the individual moment of brilliance, even in the Captains Role. Fla said that he thought the directors mis-en-scene, in the French sense, was a little cluttered, but that this was a failing of every Science Fiction movie of the modern age.
Paulie said that Spock reminded him of Eddie O'Sullivan.
Someone asked us to shut up talkin' during the movie but Paulie looked at them and they left.
When I grow up, I am going to marry Uhuru.

1 comment:

  1. Very subtle that Senor. "there is sometimes room for the individual moment of brilliance, even in the captains role" - Paulie. Ha ha who else?
