Friday, May 8, 2009

Meeting the Queen by Donners

Alright ? Don't mind tellin' ye lads, I was a bit nervous meeting the queen. Eyes of two nations upon me and all that. We had to meet a protocol director and everything. "Protocol? Toe-to-call is more like it," I says,"what with Darce and his flipflops." The lads cracked up at that. Think they were all a bit nervous.

Anyway, the Protocol lad says as citizens of a Republic we don't have to bow or anything, just greet her as you would any normal vip. Rog got the wrong idea there, I think, but how was the protocol fella to know that Rog is always the I-est P in the room? At least he didn't try and slip his hand down her top.

So we were waiting in Hillsborough for her to arrive. Fancy ol' gaff, like. Makes City Hall look a bit tatty, but then I guess the Brits never burnt it down, did they? I turned around to find someone to share that gem with , but the only fella near me was Rory. Hes no Stephen Ferris, but I decided I'd still best leave it, just in case like. Always the way.
So instead I goes, "C'mere to me, Rory, did you hear about the Dyslexic Agnostic Insomniac Leinster Fan?"
He didn't say anything, just stared right through me.
" He lay awake all night, staring at the ceiling, wondering if there is a DOB."
He didn't even blink. I was wondering if I told it right when this small voice pipes up behind me;
"Well, he won't be wondering after last Saturday, will he, Mr. O'Callaghan?"
Nice ol' doll, the Queen. Sharp, like.

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