Monday, June 1, 2009

Alteetude, by Keith

My shoulder is ok thank you for asking. I will not be able to play next week. I am sorry that I did not play as well as I should have against the Royals. I think it might have been because of the alteetude. This is the height of the land. Paulie explained it to me. Even though the land looks the same it is actually higher here. I think this is how Steven managed to hurt himself getting off the Bus. If the land is higher then the bus must have been higher so therefore he had longer to step. He did not remember and strained his thigh. This is logic.

Stephen calls me a Nicaraguan because I am from South of the Border. I asked him what someone from North of the Border is called. He said, "Lucky". So I called him Lucky for a while but he does not laugh at that now. I will call him Stephen from now on.

Paulie told me not to worry about the alteetude, that I would become used to it. So I do not worry about it. He did tell me what would happen to me if I wandered off again, so that is what I will worry about from now on.

Thank you.


  1. Shouldn't it be by Keith?? ;)

  2. Apologies. Corrected. The time difference makes me confused.

  3. Or is that De Alteetude that makes you confused???
